If you own a vehicle, you could think about the price of gas. You know that it varies, occasionally according to the season or to supply and demand and occasionally seemingly with no logic at all. expenses also vary according to the filling station, the locale and state and nation you are in.
Why does the price of fueling your vehicle change so much?
Here's a Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update (source: http://www.eia.gov)
The components for the gasoline and diesel fuel pumps are calculated in the following manner in cents per gallon and then converted into a percentage:
Crude Oil - the monthly average of the composite refiner acquisition cost, which is the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners.
Refining Costs + Profits - the difference between the monthly average of the spot price of gasoline or diesel fuel (used as a proxy for the value of gasoline or diesel fuel as it exits the refinery) and the average price of crude oil purchased by refiners (the crude oil component).
Distribution + Marketing Costs + Profits - the difference between the average retail price of gasoline or diesel fuel as computed from EIA's weekly survey and the sum of the other 3 components.
Taxes - a monthly national average of federal and state taxes applied to gasoline or diesel fuel.
affect the fee of gas. Catastrophes do not have to be on such a huge scale to cause a change. A typhoon or storm that slows down deliveries can cause a city expense rise.
Some factors that affect the expense of gas are historical concerns that keep companies from drilling in some places, political tactics, varies in the price of distribution and tax increases directly on oil making and refining companies.
Many of these things fluctuate often and in turn

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